Considerations in a COVID / Post-COVID World
1 CLE / 1 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
Having been forced to work from home with relatively no advanced warning opened a BIG can of cybersecurity worms! Many lawyers and staff used home PCs for saving client documents/data on those computers. In this program, we will discuss the ethical and malpractice pitfalls of working remotely and how to address them. We will discuss the need for full disk encryption, email encryption, home wireless router security, Windows updates, Antivirus/Malware, cloud options and how to tighten up security when using Dropbox, Box, OneDrive or Google Drive. While this all may sound overwhelming, there are many things that you can do right away that are free, or next to free, that will make a big impact.
Paul J. Unger, Esq.
Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Powder Springs, GA
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE