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Winning Your Case with a Better Memory - 6 CLE - 2022

Winning Your Case with a Better Memory

6 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.

Attorneys seldom go anywhere without their computers or phones. They are convenient, affordable and most of all, come with a lot of memory. Unfortunately, one of the most powerful memory tools we own is seldom plugged in and often fails. Brain freeze? Memory lapse? Senior moments? Whatever you call it, thousands of attorneys have experienced it. The good news? You CAN do something about it!

The benefits of improved memory are endless:

• Save time in court preparation

• Make polished presentations to jurors and judges without notes

• Become a better listener in the courtroom

• Cross-examine with confidence – no more missed opportunities

because your memory failed you

• Remember names of jurors in trials and clients in other

professional settings

• Develop better concentration

• Reduce stress, worry less about forgetting to make a crucial point

You have invested years in becoming an attorney and months in preparing a case. Invest one day to strengthen your mind and achieve these goals:

• Think quickly and clearly without fumbling for notes

• Remember important information about a jury and use it to win cases

• Effectively recall facts from research and interviews

Join nationally recognized memory training consultant, and veteran ICLEF Faculty Member Paul Mellor, for a session that will improve the way your mind retains facts. Learn techniques to improve your everyday practice. Mellor’s objective is to show you how a trained memory can increase your efficiency and productivity in all aspects of law. He will help you lay a foundation for total recall.


BONUS: Your registration includes Mr. Mellor’s book, Memory Skills for Lawyers.


National Speaker:

Paul Mellor

President, Success Links, Richmond, VA

Paul Mellor, author of Memory Skills for Lawyers, was a finalist in the USA Memory Championship, where he remembered the names of over 90 people in less than 15 minutes, recalled in correct order over 100 single-digit numbers after a five-minute study, and recalled the exact order of a shuffled deck of playing cards after less than a three-and-a-half minute review. In addition to his presentations here at ICLEF, his popular seminars have been presented to lawyers throughout the United States and Canada, including the Ohio State Bar Association, State Bar of California, State Bar of Oregon, Washington State Bar, Maine State Bar, Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, and South Carolina Workers’ Comp., plus many more.


Winning Your Case with a Better Memory

6 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.

ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE

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