Unraveling the Mysteries of Employee Benefits Law
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Viewers can expect insightful discussions led by Philip J. Gutwein II & Faculty. Our program provides valuable perspectives on topics such as ERISA litigation trends, IRS/DOL priorities & Exec Comp/409A. Plus, a Top 10 list of benefits issues that will bite unwary clients. Stay ahead of the curve and unravel the mysteries of employee benefits law.
Welcome & Introduction
– Philip J. Gutwein II, Program Chair
The “Top Ten” List of Benefits Issues that Will Bite Unwary Clients
1. Reporting – failure to file 5500 – penalty
2. Disclosure – failure to respond to document requests – penalty
3. Claims – failure to comply with claims regs – deemed denial
4. QDROs – pulled into court
6. Life insurance conversion notices – liability for benefit
7. Beneficiary designations – pulled into court
8. Deviating from plans terms – loss of discretion; loss of coverage by insurer/stop loss carrier
9. Blowing off multiemployer plan audits – 515 liability
10. Withdrawal liability – successor; upon sale; with acquisition; etc.
– Thomas P. Stafford & Philip J. Gutwein II
ERISA Litigation Trends
– Stephanie L. Gutwein
Exec Comp/409A Basics
– Gayle L. Skolnik
IRS/DOL Priorities:
1. Parity
2. Missing participants
3. RMDs
4. ESOPs
– Alexander L. Mounts & Emily A. Kile-Maxwell
Philip J. Gutwein II, Chair
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Indianapolis
Stephanie L. Gutwein
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Indianapolis
Emily A. Kile-Maxwell
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Indianapolis
Alexander L. Mounts
Krieg DeVault LLP, Indianapolis
Gayle L. Skolnik
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Indianapolis
Thomas P. Stafford
Krieg DeVault LLP, Indianapolis
Unraveling the Mysteries of Employee Benefits Law
3 CLE -This program is no longer available. Click here to see other On Demand seminars.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE