Mediators bring specialized expertise in conflict resolution, enabling them to address a wide array of legal issues, from family disputes to civil and commercial conflicts. The role of a mediator extends beyond merely reaching agreements; they empower individuals to actively participate in shaping the outcomes of their disputes, harmonize legal proceedings, promote fairness, and contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the justice system. It is with mediators in mind that we present the Top 4 CME Seminars of 2024.
1)Â Â CME for Family Mediators
6 CME / 6 CLEÂ - This seminar is designed to keep practitioners abreast of the latest developments in mediation techniques specifically tailored to family disputes. Topics include, Sticking Points, Changes to the Indiana Child Support Guidelines, Implementing the AFCC Standards for Family and Divorce & Identifying Personality Traits in Mediation.
6 CME / 6 CLEÂ - This seminar delves into various aspects of civil mediation, including Mediating Construction, Environmental & Coverage Cases, Mediating Contested Trusts, Estates & Guardianships & A.I. in ADR, Ethics & Biases.
6 CME / 6 CLE / 1 EÂ - National Speaker Marty Latz discusses Latz's Golden Rules of Negotiation, Negotiation Ethics & Negotiation Strategies.
1 CME / 3 CLE - Topics Include: Client Consultations/Initial Pleadings/Checklists, Preparing for Mediation: Discovery, Preparing a Marital Balance Sheet, preparing a Confidential Mediation Statement, Managing Clients During Mediation & Preparing for Trial, Use of a Marital Balance Sheet at Trial, Exhibits, Objections & Questioning of Witnesses
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE