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Top 10 Technology Seminars from 2023

These programs are no longer available. 

The integration of legal technology has become increasingly pivotal, reshaping traditional practices and enhancing efficiency within the legal profession. From artificial intelligence-powered document review systems to advanced analytics tools, legal tech has streamlined tasks such as case analysis, contract management, and legal research. The adoption of cloud-based platforms has facilitated seamless collaboration among legal professionals, promoting accessibility and flexibility in a rapidly changing work environment. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology has introduced new possibilities for secure and transparent transactions in legal processes. As law firms and legal departments continue to embrace these technological advancements, they not only increase their operational effectiveness but also adapt to the evolving demands of clients, ultimately shaping a more dynamic and responsive legal ecosystem.

Here are our Top 10 Technology Seminars from 2023:

1)  The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law

3 CLE / .5 E - From August 2023 - Explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence use in law firms. We look into its innovative applications and the evolving legal landscape.

2)  60 Litigation Tips, Tricks, Apps, Websites in 60 Minutes

1 CLE (NLS) - From Febuary 2023 - The best of litigation technology, practice management, electronics, apps, and incredibly useful websites for litigators. This rapid-fire, entertaining hour is full of great ideas you can immediately incorporate into your practice.

3)  Avoiding Malpractice: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Legal Technology

1 CLE / 1 E - From Febuary 2023 - Legal technology is a double-edged sword in that it can cause malpractice or it can guard against it. Learn how to avoid common mistakes while using technology to your advantage by building malpractice avoidance procedures into your workflow. There is no prerequisite level of technical acumen necessary to understand these concepts, and almost all of them will improve your office’s overall efficiency, level of client service and profitability. Most of the top causes for malpractice and grievance issues are related to organization, communication and law office management. As such, they are largely preventable.

4)  Document & Discovery Management for Litigators: Preparing for Trial

1 CLE - From February 2023 - Most lawyers feel they are being over-run with paper, and the more paper lawyers have, the harder it is to find what they’re looking for. This session illustrates how to organize your work product vs items produced in discovery requests as you prepare for trial or mediation. We will demonstrate how to build a matter-centric electronic filing system and tools to securely collaborate with outside people.

5)  Working from Home Safely:

Cybersecurity & Ethical Considerations in a COVID / Post-COVID World

1 CLE / 1 E - From August 2023 - Having been forced to work from home with relatively no advanced warning opened a BIG can of cybersecurity worms! Many lawyers and staff used home PCs for saving client documents/data on those computers. In this program, we will discuss the ethical and malpractice pitfalls of working remotely and how to address them. We will discuss the need for full disk encryption, email encryption, home wireless router security, Windows updates, Antivirus/Malware, cloud options and how to tighten up security when using Dropbox, Box, OneDrive or Google Drive. While this all may sound overwhelming, there are many things that you can do right away that are free, or next to free, that will make a big impact.

6)  Courtroom Presentation Technology: Avoiding Death by PowerPoint

1 CLE (NLS) - From August 2023 - PowerPoint's use in the legal profession, both in and out of the courtroom, is incredibly valuable … and at the same time, PowerPoint has been terribly misused and abused by presenters. This session specifically focuses on the most useful and practical features of PowerPoint for legal professionals. We will cover proper design, presentation tips & tricks, document callouts, using video & audio, and how to use and present from PowerPoint on an iPad.

7)  Document Assembly Technology:

What It Can Do For Your Practice and How To Evaluate The Players

1 CLE (NLS) - From February 2023 - Document assembly (DA) has had a huge impact on the legal world, and it is one of the most disruptive technologies of the last 25 years. If you are in the business of producing complex documents, then its benefits are significant. Properly deployed, DA technology can exponentially decrease drafting time and costs, increase accuracy and profitability, be used as a teaching tool, and shared with others.

8)  Centralizing & Securing Your Documents

1 CLE / 1 E - From August 2023 - Rule 1.6 stipulates that a lawyer must make reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of confidential client information. The comments to Rule 1.6 require lawyers to act competently to safeguard client information and use reasonable safety precautions when transmitting a client communication. The exact meanings of "reasonable efforts," "act competently" and "reasonable precautions" may be subject to debate. However, doing nothing certainly won't meet the standard. The good news is that you don't have to be a security expert or techie to protect yourself and your office. In this program, learn how to centralize your firm and client data so you can properly govern and secure everything. Whether you access documents from a computer, laptop, or a mobile device, we’ll cover all the bases on how to do it safely and securely. Half of the battle is simply knowing what questions to ask and it's not nearly as complicated as it sounds. Establish best practices in your office that will make sure your confidential information remains confidential.

9)  Mastering MS Word: Formatting Complex Pleadings

3 CLE (NLS) - From March 2023 - One of the most difficult technical tasks one can undertake is formatting a complex brief in Microsoft Word that has a title page, table of contents, table of authorities, multi-level paragraph numbering, and page numbering that starts over in the middle of the document and switches formats (for example, Romanettes to Arabic).  

In this seminar, you'll be able to download our customizable appellate brief template (7th Circuit Court of Appeals) and follow along on your own computer as we demonstrate how to use the built-in formatting tools (also known as Word Styles), as well as create and update a table of contents and table of authorities. We'll also show you how to easily customize the template for any font, point size or paragraph alignment you may want.  The heavy lifting is already done, and if you use this template as the starting point for your next brief, you'll shave many hours off the process because the formatting will just work.

10)  The Evolution of Speech Recognition Software: You Won’t Believe How Good It Has Become

1 CLE (NLS) - From August 2023 - Lawyers have to draft pleadings and documents, capture time entries in accounting software, respond to emails, and enter case-related information into a file (or case management system). All of those things typically involve a keyboard, and unfortunately, many lawyers just aren’t good typists. Years ago, it was common for support staff to handle such things. But today, a high percentage of lawyers have limited or no access to support staff simply due to the cost. As a result, today’s lawyers have to be far more self-reliant in the generation of work product. Thankfully, speech recognition technology can resolve these issues. You talk, and the software types exactly what you’re saying. This technology can be used for automatic transcription, time entries, and any drafting task without ever touching the keyboard. Speech recognition has definitely arrived, and this seminar shows you how it works and what you need to incorporate it into your practice. We’ll focus on the popular Dragon Professional software application.

ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE


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