6 CLE / 1 E - On Demand Seminar
We have assembled an impressive faculty for this year's presentation of Recent Developments in Employment Law. Key sessions focus on "How to Respond to the EEOC and Other Government Agencies," offering strategic guidance on navigating investigations, "Social Media in the Workplace," explores the legal challenges posed by employees' online activities, "State and Federal Wage Law Updates", plus "Whistleblower Issues". Join us December 17 to stay ahead of the evolving legal landscape.
• Welcome & Introduction - Mark. R. Waterfill, Chair
• Supreme Court Employment Law Decisions - Craig W. Wiley & Greer T. Glover
• How to Respond to the EEOC and Other Government Agencies - Bianca V. Black
• NLRB Update - Anthony M. Stites
• Social Media in the Workplace - Christina Mallatt & David R. Kuhnz
• Retaliation - Stephanie Jane Hahn
• Insurance Coverage for Employment Claims - Shelley M. Jackson & Christopher E. Kozak
• Covenants not to Compete - Hannesson I. Murphy
• State and Federal Wage Law Update - Benjamin S. Perry
• ADA Update - Kimberly D. Jeselskis
• Whistleblower Issues - John A. Drake
• Ethical Issues for Employment Lawyers - James J. Bell
Mark R. Waterfill, Chair - Attorney at Law, P.C., Plainfield
James J. Bell - Hoover Hull Turner LLP, Indianapolis
Bianca V. Black - Littler Mendelson P.C., Indianapolis
John A. Drake - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Indianapolis
Greer T. Glover - Jackson Lewis P.C., Indianapolis
Stephanie Jane Hahn - Attorney at Law PC, Indianapolis
Shelley M. Jackson - Krieg DeVault LLP, Carmel
Kimberly D. Jeselskis - Jeselskis Brinkerhoff and Joseph, LLC, Indianapolis
Christopher E. Kozak - Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP, Indianapolis
David R. Kuhnz - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Indianapolis
Christina Mallatt - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Indianapolis
Hannesson I. Murphy - Barnes & Thornburg LLP, Indianapolis
Benjamin S. Perry - Barnes & Thornburg LLP, South Bend
Anthony M. Stites - Barrett McNagny LLP, Fort Wayne
Craig W. Wiley - Jackson Lewis P.C., Indianapolis
6 CLE / 1 E - On Demand Seminar
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE