Attorneys, as stewards of justice, are entrusted with the responsibility to champion fairness, honesty, and the rule of law. The importance of ethics in the legal profession extends beyond mere compliance with codes of conduct; it embodies a commitment to principles that safeguard the rights and well-being of individuals, maintain public trust, and contribute to the overall legitimacy of the legal system. Here are 7 seminars focusing on ethics.
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6 CLE / 6 E - From November 2024 - The question of what it means to live a good life is as old as Moses and Socrates. But in the last few years, the question has become of particular interest to the legal profession for the simple reason that, by many measures, the lives of many lawyers fall so short of the ideal. Problem drinking, depression, anxiety, loneliness, suicide – all occur at much higher levels among lawyers than among the general public, and for many, these are just the most obvious symptoms of deeper, more fundamental problems. In response, the American Bar Association has endorsed efforts to improve the profession through a new body of thought that attempts to use the methods of science to understand what it means to live well. The result has been the “lawyer well-being movement”, which advocates for changes in the profession to enable lawyers to enjoy well-being. The lawyer well-being movement is laudable for its recognition that something has gone wrong in the legal profession, but it is probably inadequate to the task of improving the lives of lawyers. Well-being cannot be engineered to occur; it always requires something more, which is not within our control. However, in the traditions of the legal profession can be found wisdom about the kinds of people we should become to enjoy a good life in the law. Vestiges of these traditions can be found in the Rules of Professional Conduct that govern the profession today. What are those traditions? How do they relate to well-being? How can a lawyer live a good life today?
3 CLE / 3 E - From October 2024 - Meg Christensen and Chuck Kidd analyze ethical challenges arising out of today’s Legal Practice. Featuring their popular, interactive video format, this program examines a multitude of situations that can lead to potential ethics violations.
3 CLE / 3 E - From March 2024 - The Indiana Rules of Professional Conduct requires lawyers to “keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology”. This program will look at the relevance of A.I. on the profession and the ethics and malpractice considerations when using it in your practice.
3 CLE / 3 E - From December 2024 - Knowledge of the Trust Account Rules is vitally important, so here is your chance to get it right. ICLEF and the Disciplinary Commission have once again partnered for this unique program that will emphasize not only "how" to do it, but also "why" it should be done the right way. Examples will be provided, to help illustrate the information presented. This program is also beneficial to office administrators and paralegals used by law firms to handle trust account management matters.
3 CLE / 3 E - From December 2024 - This seminar explores essential financial and tax concepts that all Lawyers must know in order to properly guide clients as well as to secure their own economic futures.
3 CLE / 2 E - From October 2024 - The new normal includes working remotely. As such, the ability to run a law practice, render services, and manage people without a traditional physical office is critical. In this seminar, we cover the surprising benefits of remote workers, what is needed for practice portability, and the ethical and security issues related to protecting client data when that data is being accessed from outside a traditional office space. You’ll receive recommendations for improving communication, keeping everyone connected, collaboration, remote employee management, extending your cybersecurity umbrella to home workers, configuring an efficient and secure home office, and building a reliable electronic client filing system.
We also discuss the technologies that enable lawyers to draft even the most complex documents without assistance. Finally, we cover digital signature platforms, case management and legal accounting systems that provide unlimited remote access, and how to eliminate the need for traditional, on-premises file servers that typically provide no or poor remote access.
1 CLE / 1 E - From December 2024 - Attorneys often represent people who have been traumatized as victims of abuse, crime or other adversity. As the matter unfolds, lawyers, staff and judges alike may be exposed to emotional stories, highly charged situations, as well as gruesome and disturbing evidence, which can lead to secondary or vicarious trauma. Symptoms include burnout, PTSD, irritability, difficulties with sleep and concentration as well as diminished pleasure and interest in activities.
Join Cindy Sharp and Becky Howlett for this timely educational webinar as they explore secondary trauma. Case studies of legal professionals who have experienced the adverse effects of vicarious trauma are included. Certified Meditation Instructor and Attorney Becky Howlett will teach and lead mindfulness practices throughout this session.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE