These programs are no longer available. Click here to see other On Demand seminars.
1) Calling & The Legal Profession
6 CLE / 6 E - From November 2023 - One of our highest rated seminars! Law has long been considered a profession. Implied in this special designation was the belief that the practice of law was indispensable to the well-being of society and that a lawyer served the common good in a distinctive, fundamental way. A lawyer’s work was not just a job, but a genuine vocation, a calling. Without a sense of calling, however, the practice of law becomes the regulated business of providing legal services and lawyers become mere service providers who finds little satisfaction in the law. Many would argue this is the state of the profession today. This program explores the historic role of calling in the legal profession and the implications of its absence for the future of the profession.
2) Lawyer’s Guide to Financial Planning
3 CLE / 3 E - From October 2023
This seminar explores essential financial and tax concepts that all Lawyers must know in order to properly guide clients as well as to secure their own economic futures. Seminar concepts and discussion arise from Cynthia Sharp’s book The Lawyers’ Guide to Financial Planning published by ABA Book Publishing.
3) The Ethics Triangle
3 CLE / 3 E - From October 2023
Meg Christensen and Chuck Kidd analyze ethical challenges arising out of today’s Legal Practice. Featuring their popular, interactive video format, this program examines a multitude of situations that can lead to potential ethics violations.
4) Strategies for Taking Charge of Your Law Practice
3 CLE / 3 E - From October 2023
Attorneys continue to be faced with the challenges of adapting to a “new normal” in the advent of rapidly evolving societal and technological advances as well as increased competition from nonlawyers. Some have embraced change, automating with new systems, and adopting progressive attitudes. Others, to their detriment, remain in denial about the significant impact these changes have on their ability to prosper in tomorrow’s environment.
During this session, we discuss future trends including the rise of nonlawyers performing functions traditionally reserved for licensed attorneys and the steps that attorneys must take to flourish in an age of unparalleled innovation. We’ll touch on benefits, pitfalls, and ethical considerations when using ChatGPT in the law office setting. You will learn how to serve more clients with greater efficiency by making shifts in your practice management methods in the areas of time management, firm infrastructure, team building, and client relationship management.
5) The Ethics & Malpractice Risk of Zealous Representation
3 CLE / 3 E - From April 2023
Although the Indiana Rules of Professional Conduct no longer require zeal in representing a client, courts and disciplinary authorities still speak of it fondly. This program will look at the risks lawyers face when they cross the “zealous” line with clients, third parties, other lawyers, courts, and, yes, disciplinary authorities.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE