Mastering Litigation in the Modern Age
6 CLE / 1 E - This program is no longer available. Click here to see other On Demand seminars.
Mastering Litigation in the Modern Age is a comprehensive seminar designed to equip legal professionals with the essential skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of contemporary litigation. In today's rapidly evolving legal landscape, staying ahead requires a deep understanding of not only traditional legal principles but also the innovative strategies and technologies shaping the future of litigation.
Welcome & Introductions
– Lee C. Christie & Mark A. Metzger, Program Chairs
Discovery Issues in the Electronic Modern World
– Seth R. Wilson
Scientific Evidence
– Bryan L. Bradley
The Art of Persuasion in Litigation without Crossing the Line
– F. Anthony Paganelli
Conducting Jury Focus Groups and Mock Trials
– Ryan O. Farner
Expert Witnesses
– Richard A. Cook
Cross Examination Techniques
– Sarah Graziano
Ethically Mediating the Difficult Cases – A Deep Dive & Experiential Discussion
– Michael B. Langford, Be Denton & Norris Cunningham
Lee C. Christie, Co-Chair
Christie Farrell Lee & Bell, P.C., Indianapolis
Mark A. Metzger, Co-Chair
Metzger Rosta LLP, Noblesville
Bryan L. Bradley
Allen Law Group, LLC, Valparaiso
Richard A. Cook
Yosha Law Firm, Indianapolis
Norris Cunningham
Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC, Indianapolis
Be Denton
The Mediation Group LLC, Indianapolis
Ryan O. Farner
Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP, Indianapolis
Sarah Graziano
Hensley Legal Group, PC, Fishers
Michael B. Langford
The Mediation Group LLC, Indianapolis
F. Anthony Paganelli
Paganelli Law Group LLC, Indianapolis
Seth R. Wilson
Adler Attorneys, Noblesville
6 CLE / 1 E - This program is no longer available. Click here to see other On Demand seminars.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE