Making the Decision: Arbitration vs. Litigation in Employment Matters
3 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
Session One: Recent cases you must know about, discussing when you can and cannot litigate employment matters and the impact of these cases in labor arbitration
Session Two: Timelines and costs in arbitration and litigation - Where are the benefits and detriments of each?
Session Three: Considerations in drafting arbitration agreements – some good language and some bad!
Hon. William G. Hussmann, Jr.
Kightlinger & Gray, LLP, Evansville
Kyle F. Biesecker
Biesecker Dutkanych & Macer, LLC, Evansville
Rachel S. Bir
Gutwein Law, Indianapolis
Kaylin O. Cook
Gutwein Law, Indianapolis
Making the Decision: Arbitration vs. Litigation in Employment Matters
3 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE