We have a limited number of complementary Law Practice Management appointments available. Appointments are available on a first come, first served basis.
Consultation Appointments are Available on Monday, September 12, 2022.
ICLEF has joined Affinity Consulting Group to provide you with 30-minute, law practice management consulting sessions – absolutely free!
This is your chance to meet with a legal tech expert, one-on-one, for 30-minutes to answer your questions and offer advice, follow-up on an email tip, or suggest ways to improve your practice.
We can handle everything from practice management software, to email encryption, to showing you how to fix annoying quirks in Microsoft Word.
Select a time and you will be booked with one of Affinity Consulting Group’s consultants who will answer any question about the management and technology at your firm. Remember, Affinity Consulting Group doesn’t give legal advice – “we can’t tell you how to practice, but we can help you run your practice.”
You may set your complimentary appointment now by CLICKING HERE or copy and paste the following URL in your web browser to reserve your personal, 30-minute remote consultation. https://calendly.com/jeffreyacg/iclef
Please feel free to contact Jim Whitesell at ICLEF should you have questions regarding this complementary service.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE