As everyone knows, most legal instruments have numbered paragraphs. Unfortunately, setting up a single or multi-level numbering scheme in Word is neither intuitive nor easy. It is one of the most complained-about features in Word for good reason. In this seminar, we’ll show you how to set up automatic paragraph numbers (single or multi-level), attach them to styles if you choose to do that, and create cross-references that will also automatically update if the document is edited. Finally, we’ll cover techniques for fixing paragraph numbering in existing documents where it has gone sideways.
Barron K. Henley, Esq.
Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Columbus OH
Barron K. Henley, Esq. is one of the founding partners of Affinity Consulting Group, a legal technology consulting firm focused on automating and streamlining law firms and legal departments.
How to Setup and Control Word’s Multi-Level Automatic Paragraph Numbering and Create Cross-References That Automatically Update
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