How to Manage Documents & Email in the Law Practice – Getting your Digital House in Order!
1 CLE (NLS) - On Demand Seminar
To efficiently process daily tasks & emails, you must be organized! In modern times, that means you must have a digital matter/case file that is complete and organized. In other words, to find answers to questions and to solve problems for clients, we must be able to efficiently find answers and information. Emails can’t be stuck in users’ inboxes. Some documents can’t be in one place, and other documents in another place. Moreover, we also need effective and secure remote access when working from the road or home. In this seminar, learn how to create that near 100% complete paperless file and how best to properly secure client documents and information!
Paul J. Unger, Esq.
Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Powder Springs, GA
Paul J. Unger is a nationally recognized speaker, author and thought-leader in the legal technology industry. He is an attorney and founding principal of Affinity Consulting Group, a nationwide consulting company providing legal technology consulting, continuing legal education, and training.
He is the author of dozens of legal technology manuals and publications, including recent published books, Tame the Digital Chaos – A Lawyer’s Guide to Distraction, Time, Task & Email Management (2017) and PowerPoint in an Hour for Lawyers (2014). He is a member of the American Bar Association, Columbus Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association, Ohio Association for Justice, and New York State Bar Association, and specializes in document and case management, paperless office strategies, trial presentation and litigation technology, and legal-specific software training and professional development for law firms and legal departments throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. Mr. Unger has provided trial presentation consultation for over 400 cases. In his spare time, he likes to run and restore historic homes.
How to Manage Documents & Email in the Law Practice – Getting your Digital House in Order!
1 CLE (NLS) - On Demand Seminar
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE