How To Fix Microsoft Outlook’s Default Settings, and Access Its Best Features for Managing High Volume Email
For Most Lawyers, the majority of communications with clients and other lawyers occur via email. As a result, lawyers and staff are generally overloaded with email and many feel helpless when trying to get it under control. Unfortunately, Microsoft Outlook’s default settings don’t make it easy to see many emails at once, nor manage them. In this seminar, we’ll show you how to significantly improve Outlook’s default settings, tweak its interface, see more email at once, track and flag emails for follow-up, and store emails (and attachments) efficiently so others in your office can find them when appropriate.
Barron K. Henley, Esq.
Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Columbus OH
Barron K. Henley, Esq. is one of the founding partners of Affinity Consulting Group, a legal technology consulting firm focused on automating and streamlining law firms and legal departments.
How To Fix Microsoft Outlook’s Default Settings, and Access Its Best Features for Managing High Volume Email
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