How To Become a Published Author, Represent One, & Protect Your Client's Film & TV Rights
A National Speaker Seminar
6 CLE - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
Everyone has a story to tell; everyone wants to write a book; everyone dreams of becoming published. But most aspiring authors have no idea how to do so or attempt to publish without knowledge of the proper way to proceed. Without this knowledge, they give up, become disillusioned, or, if they are offered a publishing contract, find themselves without competent legal representation to protect them.
Attorneys aspiring to write and become published, or those who intend to represent clients with the same vision, will receive up-to-date practical advice regarding the publishing process through How to Become A Published Author, Represent One and Protect Your Client’s Film and TV Rights hosted by bestselling author Mark Shaw who has published 25+ books including How to Become a Published Author: Idea to Publication.
• How to choose a book concept with publishing potential.
• Tips about writing skills necessary to be published.
• A road map of the publishing industry including the difference between traditional publishers, subsidy publishers, and traditional self-publishing.
• How an aspiring author may locate legitimate literary agents and publishers.
• Should an aspiring author submit a manuscript or query letter/book proposal to literary agents and publishers?
• What are the components of a professionally written query letter and book proposal?
• What is the outline of a contract between an aspiring author and a literary agent or publisher?
• How can the author or the attorney representing an author protect against unfair advances, royalties, restrictions on future publications, promotion clauses requiring author contributions, and so forth?
• What reference sources should the attorney consult to properly advise a literary client?
• Entertainment Law Issues: Protecting Your Client’s Film & TV Rights.
Mark Shaw - A former noted criminal defense attorney in Indiana, bestselling author Mark Shaw has published 30+ books including his best-seller, The Reporter Who Knew Too Much. He was also the legal correspondent for ABC, CNN, and ESPN while covering the Mike Tyson, O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant cases.
Resource Materials include Sample Contracts, Forms, Book Proposals, Query Letters, and Publishing Agreements.
Mr. Shaw was Terrific! – Donald
Probably ranks top 5 of any CLE I’ve attended in 20-years. Awesome! – Kim
Excellent Seminar…Practical & understandable information… Kudos! – Anonymous
Mark Shaw was incredible – Deborah
So much great information! – Katherine
Mr. Shaw was engaging & motivational – Michael
Tied for the Best Seminar I’ve Ever Attended – Anonymous.
How To Become a Published Author, Represent One, & Protect Your Client's Film & TV Rights
A National Speaker Seminar
6 CLE - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE