Documenting processes will often take a backseat to billable work and pending deadlines. “We don’t have time to create them.” We also often hear things like “My practice is too complex to reduce things to a simple process or checklist. There are too many variables!” The truth is the opposite. Very few things will free up more of your time than investing in documenting your processes. In this session, we will roll up our sleeves and learn how to create process documentation, maps, checklists and videos, and where to save them.
Paul J. Unger
Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Powder Springs, GA
Paul J. Unger is a nationally recognized speaker, author and thought-leader in the legal technology industry. He is an attorney and founding principal of Affinity Consulting Group, a nationwide consulting company providing legal technology consulting, continuing legal education, and training.
Document & Process Mapping Your Processes for Better Time Management
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