1 CLE - On Demand Seminar
Join Indiana author, Professor Cara C. Putman, J.D., MBA, for this basic, one-hour, webcast presentation on Copyright law.
We will cover the following topics during this presentation:
• Copyright: What’s Covered and What’s Not
• How to Capture the Value in Copyrights through Contracts & Licenses
• Quick Comparison to Patents & Trademarks
Cara C. Putman
Clinical Associate Professor, Purdue University, Lafayette
Since the time I could read Nancy Drew, I have wanted to write mysteries. In 2005 I attended a book signing at my local Christian bookstore. The rest, as they say, is history. There I met Colleen Coble. With prompting from my husband, I shared my dream with Colleen. Since those infamous words, I've been writing award-winning books with the count currently climbing to 50+ published and more in the works.
In addition to writing, I am a mom of four, attorney, Clinical Associate Professor at a Purdue University who also runs a center, and all around crazy woman. Crazy about God, my husband, and my kids. I graduated with honors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Go Huskers!), George Mason Law School, and Purdue University's MBA program. You can learn more about my books at caraputman.com. And if you'd like a copy of my legal suspense novella, Dying for Love, simply connect with me here caraputman.com/contact/, and I'll send you the link.
1 CLE - On Demand Seminar
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE