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Advanced Issues in DUI Defense
Part of the Masters Series Summer Conference
Welcome & Introductions
- Mark A. Foster, Chair
Representing the Medical Professional
- Lorie Brown
Representing the Attorney Client
- G. Michael Witte & Terry L. Harrell
Representing Licensed Professionals and Out-of-State Issues
- Mark A. Foster & Shaunda Lynch
BMV issues
- Matthew Kestian
Immigration issues
- David A. Guerrettaz
Interstate Transfer of Probation
- Karla Claybrook
Mark Foster, Chair
Foster O’Daniel Hambidge & Lynch LLP, Evansville
Hon. G. Michael Witte
Former Executive Director Indiana Disciplinary Commission, Indianapolis
Lorie A. Brown, RN, MN, JD
Brown Law Office P.C., Indianapolis
Karla Claybrook
Former Probation Officer Vanderburgh County, Evansville
David A. Guerrettaz
Ziemer Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders, Evansville
Terry Harrell, JD, LCSW, MAC, LCAC
Judges & Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP), Indianapolis
Matthew Kestian
Staff Attorney, Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Indianapolis
Shaunda Lynch
Foster O'Daniel Hambidge & Lynch, LLP, Evansville
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE