Advanced Corporate Counsel
6 CLE - A Masters Series Seminar
This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
The Advanced Corporate Counsel program returns to the spectacular West Baden Resort on September 22-23, 2022. Nestled in the beautiful rolling hills of southern Indiana, this is a perfect getaway! We invite you to join us, along with Program Chair Adam Richter and his faculty, and escape to this favorite Indiana luxury hotel built more than a century ago.
Welcome & Introductions
- Adam J. Richter, Chair
Session 1: Construction Law for the Non-Construction Corporate Counsel
- Matthew B. Millis, Discussion Leader
Session 2: A Recap of the 2022 Legislative Session for Corporate Counsel and Looking Ahead to 2023
- Malika Butler, Discussion Leader
Session 3: On Mission: Your Journey to Authentic Leadership
- Sean M. Georges, Discussion Leader
Session 4: Internal Investigations and Crisis Management
- Drew J. Miroff, Discussion Leader
Adam J. Richter, Chair
Gene B. Glick Co., Inc., Indianapolis
Malika Butler
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, Indianapolis
Sean M. Georges
On Mission Leadership, LLC, Chandler
Matthew B. Millis
Easter & Cavosie, Carmel
Drew J. Miroff
Ice Miller LLP, Indianapolis
Advanced Corporate Counsel
6 CLE - A Masters Series Seminar
This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE