Advanced Civil Mediation
Part of the Masters Series Summer Conference
6 CME / 6 CLE - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
We are pleased to bring the Advanced Civil Mediation program to the spectacular setting of the historic French Lick Springs Resort & Casino! Nestled in the beautiful rolling hills of southern Indiana, it is a grand backdrop for this year's event, as part of ICLEF’s Annual Masters Series Summer Conference.
This Live In-Person Only Seminar is part of ICLEF's Masters Series and is designed as an advanced-level session for those practitioners who already have a fundamental understanding of each practice area. This discussion-oriented curriculum will take you deeper into tougher, more challenging matters. Bring your questions and toughest issues too, to share with the group.

Hosted Reception following Day 1 in the Grand Atrium of West Baden
We return to the West Baden Atrium where you and your guest can join us to unwind from the day's discussions!
Continental breakfast served before Day 2. Casual Dress for all events.
Click Here to learn about all there is to see and do in French Lick & West Baden during your stay.
• Pre-Mediation Preparation
• The Mediation Submission
• Absent parties - Getting all of the necessary parties to attend the mediation.
• Beginning the mediation - Initial joint sessions
• Dealing with lawyers who don’t want you to talk directly to their client / the insurance claim rep.
• What to do when a mediation gets off to a bad start
• The importance of active listening as a mediator
• Understanding the different perspectives of parties, lawyers and insurance companies and why that matters in getting cases resolved – Helping the parties “speak the same language.”
• Getting the parties to consider / acknowledge the weaknesses as well as the strengths of their own case, the strengths of the opposing party’s case and translating that into their positions with regard to the value of the case.
• Dealing with lawyers who want to make imprudent / counter-productive arguments or send counter-productive messages to the opposing party
• Settlement negotiations – How far a mediator can go in guiding the settlement negotiations
• Dealing with particular types of people
• Methods for dealing with and over-coming impasse
• Using calculations regarding a Plaintiff’s recovery from a settlement vs. a verdict
• Giving parties information their attorneys may not have given them.
• Overview / Summary - Why some mediations “fail” and how to prevent it
• The Settlement Agreement
• Post-mediation follow-up
• Conducting mediations by Zoom vs. in person and combinations thereof.
Teresa L. Todd, Seminar Chair, Attorney at Law, Indianapolis
Samual R. Ardery, Bunger & Robertson, Bloomington
Michael P. Bishop, Bishop Mediation & Arbitration, LLC, Indianapolis
Be Denton, The Mediation Group LLC, Indianapolis
Peter D. Palmer, Pete Palmer Law LLC, New Albany
Kevin K. Fitzharris, Barrett & McNagny LLP, Fort Wayne
Dr. Michael J. Jenuwine, J.D., Ph.D., Legal Clinic, University of Notre Dame, South Bend

We have a limited number of blocked-off rooms for our Masters Conference Attendees at the brand new French Lick Valley Tower and the beautiful French Lick Resort & Casino & West Baden Springs Resort & Spa. Click Here to make reservations online. Use the Group Code 0724ICL as both the Group Code and Password. You can also call the resort directly at 1-844-241-6361 / 1-888-936-9360. Use reservation Group Code 0724ICL. The "cut-off date" is June 26, 2024. Reservations made after this date will still be accepted based on the hotel's prevailing rate and space availability.
Please note: set your specific arrival and departure dates to see accurate room availability. If the system should say SOLD OUT prior to the cutoff date, simply change the date to the night you wish to check-in. The date field is located in the upper left corner of the room reservation page. Remember to click on "Refine Search" after you change the date field.
You may also wish to consider the following hotels in the area and still join us for all the programming and activities of the conference:
Advanced Civil Mediation
Part of the Masters Series Summer Conference
6 CME / 6 CLE - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE