2023 Elder Law Institute
12 CLE / 2 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
Welcome & Program Introduction
- Claire E. Lewis, Program Chair
The PHE Unwinding – Part 2.0
- Dennis K. Frick
Meanwhile, Back at the Nursing Home...
Effective Responses to Common Problems Faced by our Nursing Home Clients
- Ann H. Smith, Scott R. Severns, Michelle L. Niemier, John K. Heinz & Ashley N. Hadler
Legal Separations and the Medicaid Process
- Bridget M. McDaniel
Changes in Healthcare Directive Law; POST Update
- Dr. Susan E. Hickman, PhD
A Practitioner’s View of Assisting Families Through End-of-Life Decision Making
- Dr. David M. Mandelbaum, MD
Ethical Issues in Dealing with Clients with Incapacity
- Dr. Tracy D. Gunter, MD
All Things Crypto and Estate Planning
- Keith P. Huffman
Guardianship and Estate Accountings
- Jennifer L. VanderVeen
Intersection Between Commitment and Guardianship
Intersection Between Divorce and Guardianship
- Elizabeth A. Homes & Hon. William J. Hughes
Powers of Appointment, Grantor Trusts, and Other Trust Tips
- Rebecca W. Geyer
Working to Live Instead of Living to Work: How to provide high-quality service to your clients while keeping you and your staff happy
- Matthew C. Moore
Special Needs Case Review
- Robert W. Fechtman
Social Security Basics (Review of retirement, disability, divorce, SSI)
- Connie L. Bauswell
Payment for Personal Services
- Jennifer A. Sturges
Reforming Wills & Trusts via Court Order
- Roger T. Coffin
Tips for Resolving Disputes with Public Benefits Agencies
- Jeffery D. Stinson
Continuing Care Contracts: What they are, Applicable Laws, Pros / Cons, etc.
- Michael D. Wilhelm
Minimalist Estate Planning
- Jeffrey S. Dible
Ethics Panel
- Jeslynn C. Smith, J. Bryan Nugen & Tracey L. Rosswurm
Claire E. Lewis, Chair
Law Office of Claire E. Lewis, Indianapolis
Hon. William J. Hughes
Hamilton Superior Court #3, Noblesville
Connie L. Bauswell
The Law Office of Connie L. Bauswell, LLC, Valparaiso & Schererville
Roger T. Coffin
Coffin, Coffin & Blackman, Martinsville
Jeffrey S. Dible
Frost Brown Todd LLP, Indianapolis
Robert W. Fechtman
Fechtman Law Office, Indianapolis
Dennis K. Frick
Senior Law Project, Indiana Legal Services, Inc., Indianapolis
Rebecca W. Geyer
Rebecca W. Geyer & Associates, PC, Carmel
Dr. Tracy D. Gunter, MD
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, IU School of Medicine, Indianapolis
Ashley N. Hadler
Garau Germano, P.C., Indianapolis
John K. Heinz
Indiana Legal Services, Inc., Indianapolis
Dr. Susan E. Hickman, PhD
Director, IU Center for Aging Research, Regenstrief Institute, Inc., Indianapolis
Elizabeth A. Homes
Law Office of Elizabeth A. Homes LLC, Indianapolis
Keith P. Huffman
Dale, Huffman & Babcock, Bluffton
Dr. David M. Mandelbaum, MD
Franciscan Health Indianapolis, Indianapolis
Bridget M. McDaniel
Williams Barrett & Wilkowski, LLP, Greenwood
Matthew C. Moore
Moore Law, LLC, Batesville
Michelle L. Niemier
Deputy Director, Center for At-Risk Elders, Indianapolis
J. Bryan Nugen
Nugen Law, A Professional Corporation, Auburn
Tracey L. Rosswurm
Nugen Law, A Professional Corporation, Auburn
Scott R. Severns
Schlueter Breman, LLC, Indianapolis
Ann H. Smith
Senior Law Project, Indiana Legal Services, Inc., Indianapolis
Jeslynn C. Smith
Nugen Law, A Professional Corporation, Auburn
Jeffery D. Stinson
Stinson Law Firm, LLC, Carmel
Jennifer A. Sturges
Rolfes, Garvey, Walker, & Robbins, Greensburg
Jennifer L. VanderVeen
VanderVeen Elder Law, LLC, Mishawaka
Michael D. Wilhelm
DeFur Voran LLP, Fishers
2023 Elder Law Institute
12 CLE / 2 E - This program has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE