2023 Advanced Worker’s Compensation
6 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
Please join Indiana Worker's Compensation Board Chair Linda Hamilton, program Co-Chair Nate Maudlin, along with their faculty discussion leaders and several members of the Indiana Worker's Compensation Board for the annual Masters Series Seminar. Be sure to register and reserve your spot now as attendance is limited!

Considerations Under IC 22-3-2-2
What did the changes made post-Milledge v. The Oaks really do? Is Olinger Construction Company v. Mosbey still good law when it comes to traveling employees? If a job increases the dangerous effects of injury but the employee has a syncopal event, will the injury be compensable? Is a court created presumption of the same weight as a rule? Does the Supreme Court holding in Talas v. Correct Piping that ambiguities in the law must be resolved in favor of the employee to achieve the humane purposes of the Act play any role in this analysis?
What is the Import and Effect of IC 22-3-3-27?
What constitutes a "change" and to which "condition?" Can the condition be anything other than the inured worker's physical status post-injury? Does a change in conditions need to be unexpected?
Aspects of Medical Evidence to Consider
How ancient must evidence of previous injuries or conditions be to be irrelevant? 5 years? 10 years? Lifetime? Aggravation, acceleration, exacerbation - is it anything more than guesswork? How to calculate possible future medical needs related to a work comp injury when there are pre-existing considerations.
Apportionment in Permanent Total Disability Cases
How does IC 22-3-3-12 really work? Why don't we have Permanent Partial Disability in Indiana? Considerations of the Bowles v. Griffin Industries case.
Hon. Linda P. Hamilton, Chair
Indiana Worker's Compensation Board, Indianapolis
Gary P. Goodin
Goodin Legal, Indianapolis
Charles S. Hewins
Salmon & Hewins, LLC, Evansville
Kirsten L. Kaiser Kus
Downey & Lenkov LLC, Crown Point
Stephen S. Lavallo
Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP, Evansville
Nathan B. Maudlin
Klezmer Maudlin PC, New Harmony
Kathryn A. Moll
Nation Schoening Moll, P.C., Fortville
George C. Patrick
George C. Patrick & Associates, P.C., Crown Point
Joab D. Silverglade
Cutler & Silverglade, Chesterton and Munster
Craig R. Van Schouwen
Blachly, Tabor, Bozik & Hartman, LLC, Valparaiso
Nathaniel D. Walden
Schiller Law Offices, LLC, Carmel
2023 Advanced Worker’s Compensation
6 CLE - This seminar has concluded. Please join us next time.
ICLEF • Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, IN • Premier Indiana CLE