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The Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF) is an approved sponsor of the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education for MCLE programming in Indiana


ICLEF Programming:

Welcome to the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum website. Here you will find a variety of CLE Seminars & Materials to enhance your personal learning experience, including

Important Note:

For proper tracking of CLE credits, each person must create their own individual Login.


All listed seminar information is subject to change without notice. (You will be notified of program changes if you have pre-registered) If you plan to attend the listed seminars as a Walk-In please call ICLEF (317) 637-9102 to confirm dates, titles, locations and pricing information.


All listed programs begin promptly at 9:00 A.M. (local time) unless otherwise noted.


Individual seminar brochures will be mailed approximately 4 to 8 weeks prior to the live seminar date.


All credit card transactions are processed through VeriSign TM and a secure transaction server on the internet.


If you prefer to register via fax please, Click Here to print a copy of ICLEF’s generic registration form. After printing the generic registration form please complete the form and fax it to ICLEF at (317) 633-8780. You may also register by telephone at (317) 637-9102.


All listed ICLEF Live, Webcast, Replay & Online CLE and Ethics seminars are approved for MCLE Credit under rule 29 by the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education. Effective June 6, 2022, by Order of the Indiana Supreme Court (Supreme Court Cause No. 22S-MS-1), attorneys may now acquire all 36-hours of their CLE requirements via distance learning methods. Distance learning methods include On Demand and Individual Webcasts.

Cancellation Policy: 

To cancel a registration, a notice for full refund must be received 72 hours prior to the program. The courtesy of canceling 72 hours in advance will avoid a financial commitment of $30.00. No refunds will be issued to registrants who cancel on program date or who fail to notify ICLEF of their cancellation. The charge for all returned checks is $30.00.


Please Note: Advanced seminar registrants will not receive a registration confirmation.

Special Needs Accommodations:  

Persons who require assistance or need information regarding access to a program session and availability of special facilities are requested to call ICLEF’s Registrar at (317) 637-9102.

Hotel Accommodations:

Please make your reservations with the Hilton by Clicking Here or calling 800-445-8667.  Please mention the ICLEF Rate when calling to book your reservation.  Rates and Reservations are subject to availability.

Telephone Support:

Telephone Support for ICLEF On Demand seminars is available from Mon.—Fri. 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. CST by calling 1-877-880-1335.  E-mail support is offered 24/7 during this time with a 1-3 hour response time during support hours, and a 2-6 hour response time after hours.

ICLEF On Demand Seminars

All listed ICLEF On Demand seminars are approved for MCLE credit under rule 29 of the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education. Effective June 6, 2022, by Order of the Indiana Supreme Court (Supreme Court Cause No. 22S-MS-1), attorneys may now acquire all 36-hours of their CLE requirements via distance learning methods. Distance learning methods include On Demand and Individual Webcasts.


To ensure the proper accreditation of your ICLEF On Demand CLE credits for the current CLE year, you must complete the entire On Demand seminar 30 days from purchase and prior to 11:59 P.M. EST., December 31. To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF On Demand seminar you must watch the On Demand Seminar in its entirety. Partial credit will not be awarded.

You must watch the Program in its entirety! No partial credit awarded!

Video Replay Seminars:

Video replay dates are subject to change or cancellation without notice other than to pre-registrants. Please call ICLEF at (317) 637-9102 to verify dates and locations.  Cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted on our website programming calendar.

ICLEF Live Individual Webcast Seminars:

To ensure the proper accreditation of your ICLEF ONLINE CLE credits for the current CLE year, you must complete the entire online seminar 30 days from purchase and prior to 11:59 P.M. EST., December 31.

You must watch the Program in its entirety! No partial credit awarded!


ICLEF Live Individual Webcasts are treated much the same as ICLEF On-Demand seminars. Effective June 6, 2022, by Order of the Indiana Supreme Court (Supreme Court Cause No. 22S-MS-1), attorneys may now acquire all 36-hours of their CLE requirements via distance learning methods. Distance learning methods include On Demand and Individual Webcasts.


All listed ICLEF Live Individual Webcast CLE and Ethics seminars are Approved for MCLE Credit under rule 29 by the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education.


You may attend an ICLEF Live Individual Webcast from your office, home or from anywhere with an established internet connect. For the best viewing experience we recommend that you connect via a high speed internet connection (DSL, T-1 or Cable Modem). Some law firms may restrict access to streaming video, so we also recommend that you test your connection prior registering for the ICLEF Live Individual Webcast by clicking on this Test Your Connection link.


Registration – To view a Live ICLEF Individual Webcast you must establish a personal ICLEF Online Account and register using a credit card. Click here to create or login to your ICLEF Online Account.


Written materials will be available on your computer through your ICLEF Online Account as a PDF file.  You are then free to print out your materials or review them online prior to or during the program. A separate print copy of the written materials will not be distributed.


CLE Credits – Your attendance is tracked via your personal login through the ICLEF website. At the conclusion of the ICLEF Live Individual Webcast, ICLEF will provide you with a Certificate of Completion. ICLEF then will automatically report your CLE credits to the Office of Admission & Continuing Education. You will need to do nothing further to report your CLE hours.


To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF Live Individual Webcast you must watch the Webcast program in its entirety. Partial credit will not be awarded for viewing ICLEF Live Individual Webcasts.


You cannot receive CLE credits for watching an ICLEF Live Individual Webcast with someone else – you must login as an individual and watch it through your personal login via your ICLEF Online Account.


Questions may be asked of the live presenters via e-mail, telephone or facsimile.

- To ask a questions of the seminar faculty via e-mail, simply click on the live webcast “Forum” tab and type in your question at anytime during the program. Your question will be addressed by the faculty at the appropriate question and answer time during the program. Based on the volume of questions submitted, your question may not be addressed during the live portion of the program. Should this occur, we will ask our faculty to reply to your question via e-mail after the program ends. You may also send questions to:


- To ask a question by telephone please call ICLEF at (317) 637-9102 and your question will be transcribed and e-mailed to the faculty during the program.


- To fax your question please transmit your question to the ICLEF fax number at (317) 633-8780.


Test your connection and your ability to access ICLEF Live Individual Webcasts by Clicking Here. If you have difficulty connecting, please contact our webcasting technical support line at (877) 880-1335.

ICLEF Live Group Webcast Seminars:

ICLEF Live Group Webcasts are seminars in a group setting at an ICLEF approved regional/local group webcast site and are treated the same as attending a Live ICLEF In-Person Seminar. There is no limit on the number of CLE hours you may obtain by attending ICLEF Live Group Webcasts.


ALL listed ICLEF Live Group Webcast CLE and Ethics seminars are approved for MCLE Credit under rule 29 by the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education.


You may obtain all 36-hours of your CLE credits by attending ICLEF Live Group Webcasts.


You must attend an ICLEF Live Group Webcast at a moderated, ICLEF approved regional / local location (i.e., local bar association office, local law firm, community college / university campus).


You may receive partial CLE credits should your schedule preclude you from attending the entire ICLEF Live Group Webcast. Simply complete that ICLEF CLE Certification Sheet in your accompanying written materials and return it to the local program moderator to request partial CLE hours.


Not all ICLEF programs are suitable for Live Group Webcasting. Please see the ICLEF website for a listing of programs that are to be broadcast via a live webcast.


Active participation – ICLEF Live Group Webcasts include live video and audio of the presenters, PowerPoint slides, and seminar materials.  You have the ability to participate directly with the presenters by asking your questions through e-mail, telephone and facsimile, making this method of CLE both interactive and interesting.


Please Note: ICLEF Live Group Webcasts are considered Live programs and there are no MCLE limits on the number of ICLEF Live Group Webcasts that you may attend as long as the ICLEF Live Group Webcast meets the following conditions:


- The group viewing location must be an approved ICLEF regional / local webcast location.


- The group viewing location must be in a setting with a program moderator present throughout the Live Group Webcast.


- The group viewing location must have a moderated attendee check-in process.


- The group viewing location must provide program attendees with a method to ask questions via e-mail, telephone or facsimile connection.


- The group viewing location must also conform to the rules set forth by the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Commission under Disciplinary Rule 29 MCLE Guidelines, Section 3(a)(4).


- If you would like additional information on establishing an ICLEF Live Group Webcast site in your area, please contact ICLEF at (317) 637-9102 or via e-mail at

ICLEF  •  Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum

© 2025 Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum – ICLEF. All Rights Reserved. The Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF) is a nonprofit 501(c)3. ICLEF® and the ICLEF® logo, are registered trademarks of the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum.

230 E. Ohio St., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204  •  317-637-9102  •

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